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Design collaborative and sustainable
events with the MetaCampus

To complement the services available onsite at the Estate, Les Fontaines developed a digital space that offers new ways to collaborate and host immersive meetings.

The MetaCampus is a place for getting together and getting things done – an events metaverse that allows you to organize meetings online and therefore reduce your carbon footprint. It keeps participants engaged and enables them to interact in the form of personalized avatars.

The MetaCampus is ideal for:

From the planning stage to the running of the event itself, our teams take care of everything, so you can focus on the objectives of your gathering rather than worrying about the mechanics of it.

Three good reasons to host your event in the MetaCampus

Virtual benefits

Give people the freedom to interact and have spontaneous encounters
Make content easier to see thanks to 2D isometric graphics
Promote interaction with other people and tools

Human interaction

Organize remote workshops and plenary sessions
Bring remote participants together by enabling them to meet in networking or interactive game areas
Create personal avatars and access different modes of videoconferencing to add more of a human touch and an element of spontaneity, just like in real life

Tools and content

Avail of collaborative tools, such as whiteboards, Padlet, Kahoot, Wooclap, etc.
Customize the experience using 4 videoconferencing modes: networking, plenaries, workshops, presentation kiosks
Use creative teaching methods, such as teleportation, different points of view, quizzes, interactive characters, etc.

A simple and fun tool for organizing your digital event

All you need to enter this virtual world is a link (there’s nothing to download)
Can be accessed via PC, tablet device or smartphone
No VR headsets required
It takes just one click and less than 15 seconds to grasp how it works
GDPR-compliant and hosted in France

Our achievements